Here we will see how to add new link and remove the existing hear-beat Links in veritas cluster nodes on the fly without any impact.
To add a new LLT link:
Log in to one of the nodes in the cluster as the root user and run the following command:
# lltconfig -d device -t device_tag
Where: -t devtag is the device tag used to identify the link -d device is the network device path
See the lltconfig for more options and detailed information.For example:
# lltconfig -t e1000g2 -d
If you want to configure the link under PrivNIC or MultiPrivNIC as a failover target in the case of link failure, modify the PrivNIC or MultiPrivNIC configuration as follows:
# haconf -makerw
# hares -modify resource_name Device device device_id [-sys hostname]
# haconf -dump –makero
The following is an example of configuring the link under PrivNIC or MultiPrivNIC.Assuming that you have two LLT links configured under PrivNIC as follows:
PrivNIC ora_priv
Critical = 0
Device@mygz1 = { e1000g1 = 0, e1000g2 = 1 }
Device@mygz2 = { e1000g1 = 0, e1000g2 = 1 }
Address@mygz1 =
Address@mygz2 = ""
NetMask =""
To configure the new LLT link under PrivNIC, run the following commands:
# haconf -makerw
# hares -modify ora_priv Device e1000g1 0 e1000g2 1 e1000g3 2 -sys mygz1
# hares -modify ora_priv Device e1000g1 0 e1000g2 1 e1000g3 2 -sys mygz2
# haconf -dump -makero
The updated PrivNIC resource now resembles:
PrivNIC ora_priv
Critical = 0
Device@mygz1 = { e1000g1 = 0, e1000g2 = 1, e1000g3 = 2 }
Device@mygz2 = { e1000g1 = 0, e1000g2 = 1, e1000g3 = 2 }
Address@mygz1 =
Address@mygz2 = ""
NetMask =""
Removing LLT links:
If you want to remove the link which is configured as a PrivNIC or MultiPrivNIC resource, then you need to modify the resource configuration after removing the link.
To remove LLT links:
Log in to one of the nodes in the cluster as the root user and run the following command:
# lltconfig -u device_tag
Where: -u devtag is the device tag used to identify the link you want to removeSee the lltconfig(1M) for more options and detailed information.For example:
# lltconfig –u e1000g3
If you have configured the link under PrivNIC or MultiPrivNIC as a failover target in the case of link failure, modify the PrivNIC or MultiPrivNIC configuration as follows:
# haconf -makerw
# hares -modify resource_name Device link_name device_id [-sys hostname]
# haconf -dump –makero
For example, if the links e1000g1, e1000g2, and e1000g3 were configured as PrivNIC resources, and you want to remove e1000g3:
# haconf -makerw
# hares -modify ora_priv Device e1000g1 0 e1000g2 1
Where e1000g1 and e1000g2 are the links that you want to retain in your cluster.
# haconf –dump -makero
Please do not forget to update /etc/llttab.
Thank you for reading this article.Please leave a comment if you have any doubt ,i will get back to you as soon as possible.
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