I have installed the vmware ESXi 5.1 on vmware workstation 8.0 for practicing purpose.This procedure will be same when you directly install on physical servers as well. As you know that all new version of operating systems will comes with several bug fixes and many more enhanced features. Like the same vmware ESXi 5.1 as well overcome the many issues which we had in older versions. For an example,EXSi 5.1 removed the vRAM limit. It also supports latest hardwares (Both intel & AMD CPUS) from many vendors like HP,DELL and IBM.
Download the VMWARE ESXi 5.1 from vmware download page and burn it in DVD or CD if you are going to install in physical servers.To install it in vmware workstation 8.0 , create a new virtual machine with 2GB RAM and 10GB harddisk and attach the ISO to that virtual machine.
Lets start now .
1.Insert the VMWARE ESXi5.1 DVD and power on the server. ESXi installer will load the necessary files for installation.
2.Once all the modules are loaded successfully,you will get the below screen with server configuration.
3.Continue the installation by just pressing enter key.
4.By default,you have to accept the license to continue the installation by pressing F11.
5.Select the disk in which you would like to install VMWARE ESXi 5.1.It requires minimum 4~ to 5~GB disk space.Enter to continue.
6.Select the keyboard layout.Here i am selecting “US Default”.
7.Its time to secure ESXi by providing the complex root password.Enter to continue.
8. Here the Installer gathers the system information before start copying the files to the disk.
9.Here will be the final confirmation you need to give before destroying any data on that disk.Press F11 to continue the installation.
10.Installation begins.
11.Reboot the system to complete the installation.Make sure that you have removed the installation media from the server.
Some of the console message while rebooting the system
12.Now vmware EXSi 5.1 will boot from hard disk and you will get the below screen,once its completely up.
13.Many of them wonder that, how to login to the system. You can get login screen by just pressing F2.
14.After logging to the system,you can see there are many options provided for configuring the ESXi and viewing the system logs.It also provided troubleshooting options as well.
That all from the VMWARE ESXi 5.1 installation part. Hope you liked it .
The next part will be installing VMware vCenter Server to setup complete ESXi environment.
Thank you for reading this article.
sajjad says
so great and informative post
please post more about VCOPS